Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My trip outta bullshit

Over the I have came across my oppurtunity to get outta the cola. I finally took that oppurtunity to make my life better than whadd it was back home . I'm not going to tell you whadd I was going through bc I really don't want you in my personal shit , but one thing I learned about oppurtunity is that you should always take them you never know whadd yu can benefit from them , they can also make you a better more well rounded person

While I'm in Tampa I'm going to have shit loads of fun but I'm also going to learn how to be more discpline, and the rights and wrongs of a man . I have a lot of freedom where I'm staying jus as long as I can control it and keep first things first. I have everything I need up here I have a big house I'm living in, and guidance. Its my time to make a move

I'm leaving my old life behind, I'm only bringing the people that's been their for me through thick and thin . I promise a better well rounded dizzy by my comeback season

1 comment:

  1. hey wat up kool blog follow mine and tell a friend lol
