Friday, September 11, 2009


I don't like to talk about politics that much because people get really offended about the topic but come on now, this whole hating on Obama thing has to stop he's the damn President of the United States no matter if you love him or hate him. Earlier this week, he went to a Virgina school and said a speech about the importance of education at a k-12 student. Their was a whole bunch of controversy about . Parents didn't want the schools playing it , but some schools made it manditory so the parents didn't allow their kids to go to school but at the cost of an unexcused absence . If you heard the speech you would have to agree with everythign that was said unless your a dumbass so whyy are these parents making such a fuse about it ? They feel as tho Obama is feeding their kids malarkey and that it'll send their children to do wrong , if you raised yur kids right they should kno whadds right or wrong . People should jus give Obama his respect he deserves because he is the President of the United States !

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