Wednesday, July 22, 2009


So I was on the phone with my BBB'S (Bad Brown Bitches) and we were talking about rejection and I noticed that a lot of girls (not trying to be sexist) have a problem with being rejected by the opposite sex.Different gender have different opinions on rejection

When girls get rejected they feel as tho something is wrong with them that the doode doesn't like . I totally feel where the female is coming from but nothing wrong with trying again at a later time after yu work on that particular thing , but on the other hand ladies feel as tho whyyy can't the doode like me for me flaws and all ?

On the other hand in my opinion rejection isn't that bad it gives me the chance to analyze whadd I did wrong and I can work on it so that wayyyy I can have a even better chance to get a better and even more bomb'er chick .


  1. This piece right here --->"On the other hand in my opinion rejection isn't that bad it gives me the chance to analyze whadd I did wrong and I can work on it so that wayyyy I can have a even better chance to get a better and even more bomb'er chick ."

    GREAT way to look at that! I liiiike! :) nice blog! Glad I stopped by! Def be back soon! We're following you now!


  2. I remba i liked this boi but he told me he only thought of me as a friend. And i didn't flip i just took that and decided to move on n then lata on that year he started liking me and asked me out but when he did i didnt even have feelings for him anymore. Matta fact i had my eye on sum1 else and dat boi asked me out :)

    i really lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvve ur blog. check out mine at
